Company News

Online Photography Course

By | May 4, 2020

4 years since my business started, I’m pleased to report the wonderful team of creatives here at Skip50 now support hundreds of businesses and brands all across the UK with their visual content needs… and we’re growing every year!

However, during this time, my business has also been supported by many wishing to learn more about photography in their personal lives too! For years I ran in-person group classes sharing all the tips and tricks I have gained during my degree in photography and my work with over 250 commercial clients across the world. These courses were a pleasure to run and I received 100% positive feedback.

Its with this all in mind, that I’m thrilled to announce SOMETHING NEW… I have decided to take them ONLINE!

Our team are in process of creating an online resource so that all of you photography-lovers can get involved! It will follow almost the same syllabus as my previous lessons, the only difference being that we’ve actually added EVEN MORE CONTENT… so more bang for your buck!

The online course is aimed at complete beginners, so no need to worry if you have very little or no experience with photography or your DSLR prior to now… we’re going to cover everything you need to know!

But don’t be overwhelmed… we’ve split the course content into manageable and easy to follow lessons. All of which can be done at your own pace and in your own time. So if you’d like those great family photos, better photos for your business or those dreamy sunset shots on holiday, this is the course for you!

Register your interest...

If you’d like us to contact you when we launch this exciting new course, please click below to register your interest…We look forward to talking all things photography with you in the very near future!